Friday, August 11, 2017

INFOSEC learning log - 5

Cryptography - the art of writing or solving codes.

So apparently not only did we talk about the security, weakness and exploitable points of a network we now learned how to secure it ourselves. Creating your own secret codes is fine and all but, there's a flaw to it. Which would be the stronger security program? One created and used privately or one created and released for public used? It's the one used for public used of course. Sure you made your own security system and so far you haven't been breached but that's only because you were either not worth it or no one has tried yet. A public program on the other hand, anything being used by everyone is always worth being exploited. The fact that it hasn't been breached just show's it's security level.

I'm not discouraging you to try and create your own secret codes. But, there are risks that should be known first before fully trusting the security you've created.

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