Tuesday, June 30, 2015

3 - Introduction to Waifus

Waifus' are every weeaboos' (if you know what it is, you're probably one of them) wet dream that will never become real. Waifus are the female characters that exist in games, anime and manga. They posses different abilities and personalities and will always be lovable.

They range from:
your average high school student
(which is probably the most normal. because of their normality they are one of the less likely to be picked by others. which is good news for you, because you can rest easy knowing that there's only atleast 100 other people after her instead of 1000)

daughter of the demon lord at high school
(let's be real here. As unrealistic as it might be, it's actually true and people are making her their waifus and they number by the thousands. if you still want here to be yours you'll just have to learn to share. reminder: don't sell you're soul just to get her.)

an obsessed psycho killer
(This category falls under yandere, which means a person that loves you so much that they would kill just for you, or atleast anyone trying to steal you from her. This is for those who want more than just a cute face and a nice personality. This is for those who want the feeling of security that their waifu wouldn't just randomly go with someone else, rather they'd murder the first girl that looks at you)

mythological creatures
( now this, this right here is an exotic creature. they are rarely picked because of their competition Ex.The demon lords daughter, angels sent to accompany you
this is actually one of my favorites because their love is something else. I MEAN LOOK AT THEM A HARPY, A LAMIA, AND A CENTAUR, THEY EVEN HAVE FOX AND CAT GIRLS. WHO DOESN'T WANT THOSE KIND OF WAIFUS. Look I maybe speaking from a biased point of view, but one thing I know: dudes cannot resist the fox girl)

to the most bizarre; your very own tape worm
(at this point I'm not even surprised anymore. It is said that the human imagination knows no limits, that or I wasn't desperate enough to think something like this. Anyways if you want to be connected with a deep bond with your waifu, something more than just love, something so deep that your mere separation would be life threatening. Then this is for you, I guess...
look man I we have our own tastes and I respect that, but don't try to get infested with a tapeworm just to see if you'll actually get a waifu. keep healthy and safe. )

even your own daughter from an alternate dimension
(well if you incest, no no please I incest. Enough with the puns, in the actual game they don't really tell you anything until the end. But they don't just tell you, they're gonna show you and they'll blow your mind while they're at it. See they make you fall in love with her for like 3/4 of the entire game and then they'll tell you that you're her dad, like seriously why? so if you're the one who's into this kind of waifu relationship then go ahead. You're not alone you're never alone)

they all come on different shapes and sizes. but all share 1 common trait; they have an unwavering devotion to the protagonist.

lets start of by choosing which waifu suites your needs, remember some waifus are open to polygamy others(I don't even know why I'm warning you its gonna be your fantasy anyway).
picking your waifu is the easy part. defending her honor online, now that's the real challenge you'll face.
 People will always try to steal your waifu or bash on her, but remember that's part of your devotion to your waifu.
  Good luck and remember.

Monday, June 15, 2015


      Hey guys, have you ever woke up one day and felt that its gonna be the best day ever?
well that's exactly what happened to me this morning. I woke up feeling a bit lazy. I reached for my phone so that I could spin my chance at GAS(its an app for L.O.L.) and I won the D.J. Sona skin (it's expensive). I was so hyped about it, not just because it was LEGENDARY but because I've been dreaming about this moment since high school. You cant take these kind of things for granted.

Soon I make my way to school. It went easier that what I normally face. Instead of battling my way to a jeepny seat, we were all civilized enough to wait for our turn. Arriving at school wasn't that special, save for the fact that it was orgfair and people were preparing for the upcoming festivities.
You could feel all the clubs excitement as they for their presentation. Alot of acting was done I really enjoyed their presentation. It was about their experiences at APC. then there was also the gaming club which I automatically joined just from hearing the name. The dance club also presented with a breath taking performance. But there was this one club that I cant remember. They played classical music, it was very refreshing from all the electronic music the others were playing. Blu was the orgfair's official sponsor. so basically you fill out the form, write your message on the wall, and you get a free Blu drink. It was so cool, but the free Blu drinks were even cooler.

Classes started, but they never dwindled my spirit. I was actually quite surprised that I was having fun during the lessons (even in math; amazing right?) usually I'd slack off the first half and just slug through the whole day, but not today. The day ended in high spirits, nothing embarrassing was done(or I just didn't consider it to be embarrassing for me). Now the what happens when the best day ever reaches dusk? THE BEST DAYS EVER'S GONNA LAST ALL NIGHT. You started the day right might as well end it with a blast? or better yet don't end it. As sad as it might sound all good things come to and end. So the best day ever cant last forever, but you'll still get more days in the future. So don't give up. Keep moving on.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

1 - Play to win vs. Play to learn...

Hey guys, I'm pretty sure most of you have/had played games. 

Some of you might have played multiplayers (ie, clash of clans, league of legends, dota, etc.). 
These kind of games demand alot of cooperation and teamwork, but of course you'd encounter a douche who doesn't care about you or the team, leading to your lost(most of the time atleast).

You see, when you play these games would teach you 

how to:
1. talk to people
2. work as a team
3. time management
4. learn to accept flaws and compensate for it 
5. accept defeat with grace
6. become humble in victory

this is how people play, but some are blinded by victory so hard, that they forget these fundamentals, and instead
they become:
1. douchebags
2. bashing teammates instead of helping them
3. crucifying grammatical errors (I don't even know why)

People think that exploiting your mistakes and publicizing it would make you play better, but you end up doing worst. They think that if you don't stick to the meta(mainstream play style) you forfeited your right to defend yourself and considered to be retarded by default. These kind of beliefs is the reason why the whole team gets dragged down with a minimal chance of recovery. "Pride" is the #1 reason why people do not get to enjoy the game.

But if you're like me, you keep the bashing into a fun minimum level. Provide your team with direct answers instead of being sarcastic. Its okay to have pride but keep it to yourself, everyone could 
careless about all the negative commenting you do.

That's all I got for today, I'll make more next time.
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